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Sachin Tendulkar: Cricket Australia has taken the right decision

Updated on: 29 March,2018 08:28 AM IST  |  New Delhi

Sachin, who was misjudged for the same offence during India's tour of South Africa in 2001, but later given a clean chit by the International Cricket Council (ICC)

Sachin Tendulkar: Cricket Australia has taken the right decision

Sachin Tendulkar
Sachin Tendulkar

Indian batting icon Sachin Tendulkar yesterday backed the Cricket Australia's ban on Steven Smith, deputy David Warner and opener Cameron Bancroft in the ball tampering scandal.

Sachin, who was misjudged for the same offence during India's tour of South Africa in 2001, but later given a clean chit by the International Cricket Council (ICC) on the grounds that he was "cleaning the ball without the umpire's permission rather than tampering," maintained that the game should be played in its purest form.

"Cricket has been known as a gentleman's game. It's a game that I believe should be played in the purest form," Sachin wrote on Twitter.

"Whatever has happened is unfortunate but the right decision has been taken to uphold the integrity of the game. Winning is important but the way you win is more important," he added.

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