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Ailing Olympian Limba Ram's wife wants 'policy for former athletes'

Updated on: 26 February,2020 02:45 PM IST  |  New Delhi

Limba Ram, a former archer, has been suffering from the serious neurological problem for the past four years

Ailing Olympian Limba Ram's wife wants 'policy for former athletes'

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Jenni, wife of ailing olympian Limba Ram urged that central government should come up with a policy for the former athletes, who are suffering from a serious illness. "At present Olympians, athletes who have participated in Asian tournaments and players who have represented the country in world cups, are covered under various schemes but there is no such scheme for former Olympian. So central government should come up with such a scheme," Jenni told ANI on Tuesday.

Limba Ram, a former archer, has been suffering from the serious neurological problem for the past four years. Ram, who had been honoured with Padma Shri and Arjun Award, lives at Sports Authority of India's hostel for his treatment. Jenni said that Rajasthan state sports council gives Limba a monthly salary but most of it goes in rent and his medicines.

"I really thankful to Rajasthan state sports council for giving limba his monthly salary even though he is on special medical leave. The salary is around 60-65 thousand per month but most of it goes in house rent and medicines," she said. Jenni said that Limba Ram does not receive any government pension and treatment for his illness is quite expensive.

"I also met the Archery Association of India, President Arjun Munda. I also took an appointment to meet Kiren Rijiju sir but could not meet him as he was busy. We are not covered in sports pension and government should consider giving him a pension," she added. Jennie proposed that the ministry of health and family welfare should come up with a health card for former sportspersons.

" Ministry of Health and Family welfare should come up with a health card which will be applicable to all the hospitals across India," she said. "There should be a sports hospital which should be connected to sports ministry so that sportsperson who are suffering from a serious illness can be treated there," she added.

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