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We are all ears

Updated on: 24 October,2021 08:36 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Garima Surana |

We got a podcaster to review Bound’s podcasting guide, your friendly tutor for audio content creation

We are all ears

The book covers hosting solutions, editing, marketing and insider stories

The phrase ‘ear to the ground’ translates to paying attention to the latest trends among the public, and podcasts themselves have undoubtedly become a prominent one over the past few years. They can help you grow your brand, establish yourself as a subject-matter expert or promote your own products and services. Labelled as India’s first free guidebook on podcasting, Ear to the Ground: Bound’s Insights on Podcast Production in India is a light read with templates dissecting the anatomy of a podcast episode. This 47-pager helps you get the scoop on how to record, edit and publish your work. 

It includes conversations with a virtual community of 200 podcasters called PodSquad and three panel discussions with celebrated podcasters like Varun Duggirala (Advertising is Dead), Nikesh Murali (Indian Noir), Savitha Nanjappa (Success With Savitha), Ayushi Amin (Agla Station Adulthood) and Zain Calcuttawala (Marbles Lost and Found Podcast).

Creating podcasts can be tricky and even harder to sustain. Few know the secrets of successfully creating a chartbuster podcast better than Tara Khandelwal, founder of Bound, who has co-authored the guidebook with Aishwarya Javalgekar, Head of Content & Podcasts at Bound. The duo has hosted two successful podcasts—Books and Beyond with Bound (with Michelle D’costa) and The Book People respectively, reaching more than one lakh listeners. 

The book is laced with fun checklists and templates to simplify the production process and help you quiz yourself, along with predictions about the future of sound. An inspiring, comprehensive, step-by-step guide to creating a hit show, Ear to the Ground covers everything from hosting solutions with homegrown companies like Hubhopper to editing and marketing, while offering plenty of encouragement and insider stories. 

The book has something for everyone—creators, brands, people looking to make a career out of this and listeners. For advertisers, branded podcasts are discovery tools that help companies gather their potential customers in one place, the guidebook tells us.

The book also contains interesting listening behaviour studies, citing information, data and market measurement firm Nielsen’s research, which says that 21 per cent of podcast listeners like ‘buddy listening’, reasons behind authors starting podcasts and the book-to-podcast trend.

Starting a podcast is a big decision to make. You have to devote your time, energy and resources to a brand new project. Ear to the Ground is the culmination of years of experience with podcasts, and exploratory conversations with lovers of the medium. Readers are also rewarded with a secret coupon code to get a discounted consultation.

WHAT: Ear to the Ground: Bound’s Insights on Podcast Production in India

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