Comedian Barry Humphries dies at 89, Australian PM hails him as 'brightest star'

23 April,2023 09:53 AM IST |  Washington  |  ANI

According to Deadline, Humphries` most celebrated creation Dame Edna became a star in the 1970s in the UK, getting her own chat show on ITV a decade later. Barry was known for his quick wit and for throwing gladioli out among the audience

Barry Humphries. Pic/AFP

Australian comedian Barry Humphries, best known for his comedic character Dame Edna Everage, died at 89.

The news of his death has been confirmed by his family, Deadline reported.

The veteran entertainer was admitted to a Sydney hospital, suffering complications following hip surgery last month.

The Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese mourned his death and called him 'the brightest star'.

He tweeted, "For 89 years, Barry Humphries entertained us through a galaxy of personas, from Dame Edna to Sandy Stone. But the brightest star in that galaxy was always Barry. A great wit, satirist, writer and an absolute one-of-kind, he was both gifted and a gift. May he rest in peace."

According to Deadline, Humphries' most celebrated creation Dame Edna became a star in the 1970s in the UK, getting her own chat show on ITV a decade later. Barry was known for his quick wit and for throwing gladioli out among the audience.

As per Deadline, Humphries had been inspired to create the character after watching his mother and other suburban housewives as a child in his native Australia. He was born in Melbourne, and moved to the UK in 1959, where he appeared on the West End stage.

Other characters created by Humphries included drunken diplomat Sir Les Patterson and the always grumbling Sandy Stone.

He also voiced the shark Bruce in 2003 Pixar animated film 'Finding Nemo', as well as making appearances in 1967 comedy 'Bedazzled, Spice World', 'The Hobbit' and 'Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie.'

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