Excessive use of social media bad for children, says Elon Musk

25 May,2024 09:39 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  IANS

Elon Musk noted that children are particularly vulnerable to sophisticated AI algorithms that boost user engagement by maximising dopamine levels

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"A lot of social media is bad for kids," he said in a post on X.com.

Addressing the recent VivaTech fair in Paris virtually, Musk stressed the importance of regulating children's exposure to these platforms.

He noted that children are particularly vulnerable to sophisticated AI algorithms that boost user engagement by maximising dopamine levels.

Elon Musk "urged parents to limit the amount of social media that children can see."

"There is extreme competition between social media AIs to maximise dopamine!"

Last year, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO -- a father to nine kids -- noted that he never restricted his kids' social media use, and it might have been a mistake.

"They have been programmed by Reddit and YouTube. I would limit social media a bit more than in the past and watch what they are watching," he had said.

He has also criticised Meta's Facebook and Instagram, stating that these platforms have facilitated child exploitation through their tools.

ALSO READ: Virtual autism: How screen addiction in toddlers can hamper their cognitive development

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