Sikkim: Three arrested for raping 22-year-old woman

28 November,2023 01:48 PM IST |  Gangtok  |  PTI

Three people have been arrested for allegedly raping a 22-year-old woman in Sikkim`s Gangtok district, police said

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Three people have been arrested for allegedly raping a 22-year-old woman in Sikkim's Gangtok district, police said on Tuesday.

Gangtok Superintendent of Police Tenzing Loden Lepcha said the incident took place when the woman was returning home from a pre-graduation party at a local pub in the state capital on the night of November 25.

She boarded a taxi but instead of dropping her home, the driver took her to a secluded place in Ranipool area, around 11 km from Gangtok, where he was joined by two of his associates, and they took turns to rape the woman, the officer said.

The three accused then left the woman at the spot and fled, following which she found her way to Ranipool police station and lodged an FIR, he said.

The woman was immediately sent for medical assistance, and a case was registered. A manhunt was launched for the accused and they were arrested on Monday, the SP said.

The trio was booked under sections of the Indian Penal Code and they were remanded to judicial custody, he added.

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