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New app enables hassle-free interaction with co-workers

Updated on: 17 October,2014 07:13 AM IST  | 
Hassan M Kamal |

Flock is a secure way to talk shop with co-workers, and clients too

New app enables hassle-free interaction with co-workers

Mumbai Guide, technology, Flock, instant messaging app, office co-workers

Are you finding email or other chat platforms too difficult or time-consuming to discuss ideas or approve projects with people at work? Do you struggle to keep your personal chats and office chats separate? Or, are you looking for a messaging service for your company that’s quick to work around and at the same time secure? Perhaps Flock could come handy.


Flock is a new instant messaging service launched by Riva, an Indian company that offers one-to-one chat service to small scale enterprises and entrepreneurs.

The interface is very simple to work around; you can add as many co-workers as possible. The app is currently available on Android and iOS devices for free, and requires an official email ID to work. Using the chat service, you can contact not only with your co-workers but also add clients and vendors into an ongoing conversation all with an official email ID. The best part of this app is that you don’t need to spend extra on IT or pay charges to use the service. Flock is free, and takes care of everything for you.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t figure a way out to share files in the app version, though it is available in the Windows desktop version. We also wished there was a way to add an office logo or the like into the app. Also, if a message is not delivered due to a network error, the only way to re-send it is to copy and paste the entire message within the message composing box. A re-try option would be helpful. Still, if you like keeping your work and personal life separate, Flock is a smart option.

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