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Maharashtra: Cook who ‘shocked’ employer nabbed

Updated on: 23 September,2023 07:58 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Shirish Vaktania |

Cops say he had been constantly changing location for last 4 days

Maharashtra: Cook who ‘shocked’ employer nabbed

The woman was assaulted as she started complaining about the food quality. Representation pic

The Amboli police have arrested the cook who allegedly gave electric shocks to his employer and tried to kill her at the residence after she complained about the food he cooked. Rajkumar Singh, 25, had been absconding after the incident and was constantly changing his location for the last four days. 

According to the police, Singh had been working at his 42-year-old employer’s residence for the last two years. He worked two shifts, from 12 pm to 2 pm and from 6.30 pm to 7.15 pm. However, his employer—a teacher by profession—had been reprimanding him over the quality of food he was cooking for the last couple of days. The two even had arguments in this regard after which the woman had asked him on leave.

On September 17, Singh, who had been given a key to the apartment, entered the home at 12 pm under the pretext of cooking meals. At the time, the woman and her son were in the house, sleeping in separate bedrooms. Singh entered the woman’s bedroom wearing rubber gloves and holding an electrical wire. He inserted the wire into an electrical socket and tried to electrocute her. He then dragged her and banged her head against the floor, after which he tried to strangulate her using the wire. The woman shouted for help and her son rushed into her bedroom in a bid to rescue her. However, she feared for his safety and asked him to return to his bedroom and lock himself in.

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“Singh then apologised to the woman and fled the scene. She informed her relatives and called them home. When they called Singh later, he told them that the woman had been misbehaving with him for the last two days due to which he assaulted her. He also requested them not to involve the police and apologised again,” an officer told mid-day.

DCP Krishnakant Upadhyay said, “Singh was absconding after the incident and constantly changed his location. He was traced and arrested late at night on Thursday. He was produced in court and remanded in police custody till September 26.” 

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