Civic chief orders all work to be completed by June 5 and twice a day checks
Desilting of Mithi River is 92 per cent complete. File Pic/Sayyed Sameer Abedi
Civic chief Bhushan Gagarani has set a June 5 target for officials to clean all nullahs in the city. Gagarani has asked zonal deputy municipal commissioners and assistant municipal commissioners to visit the spots at least twice a day to take stock of work done.
Gagrani held a review meeting for nullah desilting work on Tuesday, where he also asked officials to keep a watch on garbage disposal in nullahs. He has instructed that trash booms be installed in narrow drains to trap floating material and told officials to take the help of locals. According to data, BMC has completed 95 per cent of the desilting work.
The BMC has completed 90.78 per cent of the desilting in the western suburbs and removed 2,13,354 metric tonnes of silt from nullahs. In Mumbai city, the civic body has completed 93.08 per cent of desilting work and removed 28,797 metric tonnes of silt. In the eastern suburbs, 1,10,715 metric tonnes of silt has been removed, amounting to 89.82 per cent of the target. Desilting of the Mithi River is 92 per cent complete while the desilting of minor and highway drains is 100 per cent complete.