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Mumbai: BMC to launch app for delivering women’s self-help group products

Updated on: 13 April,2024 07:05 AM IST  |  Mumbai
A Correspondent |

Dabbawalas will be included for door-to-delivery of products

Mumbai: BMC to launch app for delivering women’s self-help group products

Planning department of BMC is taking steps to develop the app. File pic

Key Highlights

  1. BMC plans to create app to facilitate delivery of products made by women`s self-help group
  2. BMC aims to promote and market these products by collaborating with SNDT University
  3. The app will feature images and videos showcasing women crafting products

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) plans to create an app to facilitate door-to-door delivery of products made by women's self-help groups in Mumbai, using dabbawalas. Additionally, the corporation aims to promote and market these products by collaborating with SNDT University's incubation centre, with whom they've signed an MOU for development of the app.

Prachi Jambhekar, Director (planning) BMC, said, “With about 10,000 women self-help groups in Mumbai, more than one lakh women are producing various types of goods and products of a wide variety. The planning department of BMC is taking steps to develop the app so that these products can get a better market.”

Sudhakar Shinde, an Additional Commissioner suggested that there should be good branding and marketing of the products. He met a delegation of the Mumbai Dabbawala Association on Friday. The association agreed to deliver the products of women's self helpgroups all over Mumbai.

The app will feature images and videos showcasing women crafting products, along with specific features to ensure efficient door-to-door distribution of these items. Additionally, enhanced branding for women's savings group products will be implemented, using a container system for doorstep delivery. The development of the app is already underway to facilitate this process. 

No. of self-help groups in Mumbai 

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