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Mumbai records 276 new Covid-19 cases

Updated on: 07 April,2023 08:59 PM IST  |  Mumbai
mid-day online correspondent |

The recovery rate stands at 98.2 per cent, while the average doubling rate of Covid-19 caseload in the city is 4,642 days

Mumbai records 276 new Covid-19 cases

Representative image. Pic/Istock

On Friday, Mumbai reported 276 new Covid-19 cases, which is the highest number of cases reported this year so far.

The active cases in the city have risen to 1,367. Out of the total 276 cases, 253 cases are asymptomatic.

Around 1,456 tests were conducted in Mumbai on April 7.

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The recovery rate stands at 98.2 per cent, while the average doubling rate of Covid-19 caseload in the city is 4,642 days, the official said.

On April 6, around 702 high-risk and 433 low-risk people were traced during the contact tracing.

During the day, 23 patients were discharged after recovery.

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