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Western Railway launches all-women team to maintain power supply for Mumbai trains

Updated on: 30 December,2024 11:23 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Rajendra B. Aklekar |

The women’s team has been under training to maintain 25kV & 110kV equipment at Mahalaxmi Traction power Sub Station for the last one month, today it has been deployed to work independently by following all safety measures

Western Railway launches all-women team to maintain power supply for Mumbai trains

The women’s team has been under training to maintain 25kV & 110kV equipment at Mahalaxmi Traction power Sub Station

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Western Railway launches all-women team to maintain power supply for Mumbai trains

An all women’s team has been under training to maintain electical power supply equipment used for Western Railway Mumbai trains for the past one month.

"In the changing dynamics of the society women in every field prove that success has no gender barriers. The foundation of this very fact is the initiation and formation of Mumbai Suburban traction distribution (TRD) department, WR's an exclusive women maintenance team. Maintenance teams plays a vital role in day to day  functioning  of  Power supply  Installations of Alternating Current (AC) Traction system  which  ensures reliable Train operation," an official said.

The women’s team has been under training to maintain 25kV & 110kV equipment at Mahalaxmi Traction power Sub Station for the last one month, today it has been deployed to work independently by following all safety measures. 

"The relentless dedication and vision of Mumbai Division of Western Railway has set an example of breaking barriers and achieving excellence," he added.

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