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Western Railway updates: Goregaon-Borivli harbour line project finally underway

Updated on: 28 December,2024 07:51 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Rajendra B. Aklekar |

Line will have elevated stretches near Malad; the R825cr project is part of Mumbai Urban Transport Project III

Western Railway updates: Goregaon-Borivli harbour line project finally underway

A Baseline Socio-Economic Survey was done in February 2024. Pics/Rajendra B. Aklekar

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Western Railway updates: Goregaon-Borivli harbour line project finally underway

The Western Railway (WR) has kicked off its much-awaited project of constructing an 8-km Goregaon-Borivli harbour line with an elevated station at Malad. The project is targeted for completion by March 2027. 

With the fifth and sixth lines now in the works between Kandivli and Borivli, there is now no space left on either side of the WR lines. The ongoing project will add two more lines (one corridor), which will be an extension of the existing harbour line. 

A Baseline Socio-Economic Survey was done in February 2024. Pics/Rajendra B. Aklekar

The project has been divided into two phases, with phase 1 being the 2-km stretch from Goregaon to Malad, which is expected to open by 2026-27, and phase 2, about a 5-km extension from Malad to Borivli, which is expected to be completed by 2027-28.  According to the WR, the line will have elevated stretches near Malad, and about 2,731 sqm of land is required for this project. It involves bringing down 16 three-storey railway buildings, which will affect around 520 residents.

Of the 2,731 sqm of land, about 2,535 sqm is private land, and 196 sqm of land is BMC-acquired, with most of it between the Malad and Kandivli stretches. Of the 16 three-storey railway quarters, 12 are in Kandivli West and four three-storey ones are in Malad West. The project is estimated to cost around R825 crore and is a part of the Mumbai Urban Transport Project III.

According to basic work details, there is one major bridge and 16 minor bridges that need to be built/upgraded along the stretch for the new lines.

Mar 2027
Targeted date for completion of project

Work status

. Private and government land acquisition by District Collector Mumbai Suburban and BMC. (All proposals submitted). 

. A joint measurement survey is being done by Joint Measurement Record/Survey (JMR) for land acquisition.

. A Baseline Socio-Economic Survey (BSES) was done in February 2024, and a total of 520 project-affected people have been identified, and details have been submitted to the MMRDA in October 2024.

. Proposals for tree cutting/transplantation sent to tree authority.

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