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CBI arrest 6 people including GM, DGM, two directors of private company in bribery case; recovers Rs 1 crore

Updated on: 03 March,2024 10:59 PM IST  |  New Delhi

It was alleged that said employees of the private company delivered bribes to the public servants in Nagpur and in different locations in Madhya Pradesh

CBI arrest 6 people including GM, DGM, two directors of private company in bribery case; recovers Rs 1 crore

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The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested six persons including two NHAI officers in an alleged bribery case.

According to the central probe agency, one of the accused is the General Manager and Project Director, NHAI, PIU, Nagpur (bribe receiver) and another one Deputy General Manager and Project Director, NHAI Harda (MP) along with two directors, and two employees.

The accused of the said private company have been arrested in a case related to bribery of Rs 20 lakh. A cash recovery/seizure of Rs 1.10 crore(approx) including the bribe money has been made so far, the agency added.

CBI registered a case against four public servants of NHAI, a Bhopal-based private company, five private persons including two directors and employees and unknown others on allegations that directors of a Bhopal-based private company have been delivering bribes to various public servants of NHAI through their employees in lieu of issuance of completion certificates, processing of bills, smooth progression of awarded works, etc. in various road projects awarded by National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).

It was further alleged that an employee of said company is in regular contact with the General Manager and Project Director, NHAI, PIU, Nagpur for clearing pending matters including processing of pending bills and issuance of completion certificate, in lieu of bribe, for Project Outer Ring Road.

It was also alleged that said employees of the private company delivered bribes to the public servants in Nagpur and in different locations in Madhya Pradesh.

Further, it was alleged that a bribe amount of Rs 25 lakh was likely to be delivered to said General Manager and Project Director, NHAI, PIU, Nagpur.

Searches are being conducted at different offices and residences of the accused including at Nagpur, Bhopal and Harda. Cash of Rs 1.10 (approx) including the trap money has been recovered/seized so far along with other incriminating documents, digital devices, etc during searches.

Further investigation into the matter is underway.

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