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Maharashtra: MNS workers blacken non-Marathi language signboards in Latur city

Updated on: 29 November,2023 08:39 PM IST  |  Latur

The protest comes against the backdrop of the Supreme Court deadline for shopkeepers and other commercial establishments in the state to install signboards in the Devnagri Marathi script in bold letters by November 25

Maharashtra: MNS workers blacken non-Marathi language signboards in Latur city

MNS chief Raj Thackeray. File Pic

Maharashtra Navnirman Sena activists on Wednesday blackened the signboards of some shops and establishments which were displayed mainly in English instead of the state language Marathi.

The protest comes against the backdrop of the Supreme Court deadline for shopkeepers and other commercial establishments in the state to install signboards in the Devnagri Marathi script in bold letters by November 25.

A local MNS leader said that party activists visited various areas in the city. They blackened some signboards where the names of the establishments were displayed in languages other than Marathi.

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