The report featured both awardee and a doctor stressing the importance of motivating prospective donors, increasing awareness about platelet donation, which is relatively unknown and the importance of this precious resource
Bapat giving platelets for the 300th time flanked by doctors S Kulkarni and S Rajadhyaksha
This paper featured a happy, bringing sunshine in our lives report about a city platelet donor felicitated by a landmark medical centre for donating platelets 300 times for cancer patients.
The report featured both awardee and a doctor stressing the importance of motivating prospective donors, increasing awareness about platelet donation, which is relatively unknown and the importance of this precious resource.
There was a cautionary note by a medical expert that needs to be highlighted. The expert stated that in a bid to create records, some donors threw caution to the wind endangering themselves by flouting guidelines about how many times one could donate. This referred especially to platelets but it may be for blood donations too. There is a maximum limit that one can donate in a year. Certain individuals hide the fact that they may have not let the requisite time elapse between their last donation and the current one, in order to get maximum donations in and then set some kind of record. First up, we need to acknowledge donors, their selflessness and commitment to a cause. However, it is non-negotiable that one first adheres to all safety guidelines when donating, even numerous times.
The aim of donation should not be creating records and milestones, though, this may be a happy fallout for those who stick to the rules. The prospective donor must be aware and adhere to rules, be transparent and true with all health information when readying to donate.
Individuals have to understand that there are rules like a specific time gap between donations for solid reasons. A top police officer had once claimed about helmetless bikers: the rules are ours, but the head is yours. In the same way medical experts may say in the donation context: the rules are ours, but the body is yours.