Kindly take action against land-filling activity that has commenced in the area of SGNP, the letter said and an excerpt in our report also cited that change of land use is not permissible
Tribals protest against the alleged illegal activity at Film City in Goregaon on Friday
A city-based environmentalist has alleged that land filling is going on at an eco-sensitive zone (ESZ) at Film City in Goregaon near Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP), allegedly to construct a set. The spot in question is used for the cultivation of paddy by local tribals. He has written a letter to higher authorities, red-flagging the activity.
Kindly take action against land-filling activity that has commenced in the area of SGNP, the letter said and an excerpt in our report also cited that change of land use is not permissible.
It is good that this has been red-flagged by an alert individual. Now, what must happen is that it must set in motion a chain of reactions. First, there must be an acknowledgement of the letter. Then, there must be a quick but thorough investigation about these claims. A go and see and check for yourself approach so that this is proved or disproved.
If the complaints are valid then, action must be taken and the status quo restored. The tribals can help in this as they know best the lay of the land. We cannot be dismissive about this or even procrastinate claiming that eventually, action will be taken. Or, that the set will be dismantled.
There has to be a non-negotiable attitude that this land filling is simply not allowed and must be stopped now. Post that it must be seen how this was allowed to start in the first place, is there some kind of loophole which allowed this activity to go unnoticed for a while.
Today, the buzzword is environment and from fashionable it has become mainstream and political, too, with many leaders claiming their hearts beat for our environment and greening the city.
If that is true, then, they need to walk the talk. Planting trees is not enough. Come down on environmental destruction with a heavy hand and preserve what we already have.