The installation is an addition to the street art scene in Mumbai and one more initiative to beautify the city
The clock tower standing sentinel over the traffic
A new artwork at the Mahim-Bandra junction featured prominently in the paper. The Spirit of Mumbai clock tower, is a head-turner and conversation starter for the city. It is located at a buzzing junction and features a clock tower with figures from different walks of life, at its base, All of them are looking up at the timepieces to prove that Mumbai is a city that is hurried, harried and ruled by the clock. The installation is an addition to the street art scene in Mumbai and one more initiative to beautify the city.
A detailed report with photographs captured the essence of what the creators wanted to say about the megapolis on the move. Yet, it was disconcerting to read that there was one challenging phase during its making, when materials were being filched during the making. A couple of lights, too, went missing. Once the police stepped in the theft stopped. It shows the importance of safeguarding material when these projects get off the ground. Good CCTV surveillance will also help nab those robbing this material. While a project of some scale is being made, one can also have a policeman on duty, though one does know that the force is already stretched and this may not be possible all the time. If a corporate or sponsor is on board, private security personnel may be helpful.
It is also vital that people maintain these works when they are finished. We see too many people clambering over low fences on traffic islands to take a selfie or pilfering and breaking objects inside these spaces to take home or to sell. This is particularly shameful, given that these are being made to benefit the public itself.
Even walls that have been painted are defaced or spat upon, casually and callously one can say. Breaking and damaging works of art which fall under public property should not be dismissed flippantly. Safeguard, maintain and take punitive action accordingly.