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Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina pledges apartments for labourers and slum-dwellers

Updated on: 26 May,2024 10:20 PM IST  |  Dhaka

She promised to launch a project in the Bangabazar market area

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina pledges apartments for labourers and slum-dwellers

Sheikh Hasina. File Pic/AFP

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has promised that even labourers will live in apartments.

She promised to launch a project in the Bangabazar market area and said that she will also launch three other projects on Saturday, reported by bdnews24 reported.

"There will be no makeshift slums in unhygienic environments in Dhaka. Everyone will live in a lovely environment. We (the government) will arrange this and have taken steps in this regard. We aim to work for people's welfare and we are prioritising this,” she said.

"We are arranging flats for cleaning workers. Rent-based flats are being arranged for slum dwellers. They will pay the same rent as in slums but will be able to live in flats. Flats will not just be for the rich. Low-income people from rickshaw pullers to labourers will also be able to live in them. The rent will be very low. If anyone wants to pay daily, or in seven-day installments or monthly, they would be able to do so. Already 300 families have received flats," Sheikh Hasina said.

Talking about the start-up programmes pushed by the government, the Prime Minister also encouraged youths to be entrepreneurs.

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