Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, and their little bundle of joy, Raha Kapoor, were spotted at the airport last night. The trio were later joined by Neetu Kapoor, who was delighted to see her granddaughter. Raha and Neetu exchanged some sweet moments before entering the terminal gate for their family vacation. Fans have found their cute exchange adorable. Earlier, on Sunday, Karisma Kapoor posted a series of family photos from their Ganpati celebration. The photos featured Kareena Kapoor with her two sons Jeh and Taimur, Randhir and Babita Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor with daughter Raha, Aadar Jain and his fiancé Alekha Advani, Armaan Jain with his wife Anissa Malhotra and their son Rana at the Kapoor residence. Raha and Jeh stole the show at the get-together. Watch the video for more!
16 September,2024 01:10 PM ISTBollywood star Ranbir Kapoor and his mother, veteran actress Neetu Kapoor, were seen performing the Ganpati Visarjan on Wednesday, marking the conclusion of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival. The mother-son duo celebrated the special occasion together, both the Kapoors were seen walking towards the immersion spot, while Ranbir Kapoor carried the idol of Ganpati Bappa, his mom held a silver kalash with coconut in it. Ranbir dressed in a white floral kurta was twinning with his mother Neetu Kapoor who was elegantly draped in a light pink saree for the puja
12 September,2024 04:52 PM ISTJoin ace director Imtiaz Ali on an episode of Mid-day’s Sit With Hitlist series as he opens up about his fondness and love for late actor Rishi Kapoor and how their mutual affection for food got them closer on the sets of 'Love Aaj Kal.' Imtiaz Ali recalls working with the legendary Rishi Kapoor, a man whose charisma and talent left an indelible mark on Indian cinema. In a heartwarming anecdote, Ali shares a humorous incident that perfectly encapsulates Kapoor's larger-than-life personality. Watch the video for more.
03 September,2024 07:00 PM ISTIn an episode of Sit with Hitlist with Mayank Shekhar, Imtiaz Ali, the director behind the iconic film 'Rockstar', opens up about the wild journey of creating this cinematic gem, sharing a hilarious anecdote about how he lost the original script. But that’s not all! He dives into the quirky personality of Ranbir Kapoor, who played the lead role, revealing how his inquisitive nature often led to some unexpected and funny moments. Ali opens up about his exhilarating collaboration with the legendary A.R. Rahman, the magic of his compositions, and how the soulful music captured the essence of his vision.
31 August,2024 08:35 PM ISTOn Mid-day's Sit With Hitlist series, Imtiaz Ali delves into his firsthand experience of collaborating with the King of Romance on the set of 'When Harry Met Sejal', providing a detailed analysis of Shah Rukh Khan's performance and working methodology. He explores the reasons behind the movie's underperformance at the box office and articulates what could have been handled differently. Further, Ali examines the influence of Shah Rukh Khan's stardom on the film's reception. Watch the full video to learn more!
23 August,2024 06:45 PM IST | MumbaiHighway was a sign of the marvellous work that was to come from Alia Bhatt. But she wasn’t Imtiaz Ali’s original choice. Join the director as he reveals that he initially wanted a mature woman to lead the drama, but changed his mind after meeting Alia. In the latest episode of Mid-day's Sit With Hitlist, the filmmaker goes back in time to share anecdotes from his first film Socha Na Tha, right up to the latest, Amar Singh Chamkila. Watch the full interview for a deeper insight into the genius of Imtiaz Ali.
17 August,2024 12:00 AM ISTWhere would Imtiaz Ali create the songs for this directorial debut ‘Socha Na Tha’? At Versova beach in the dead of the night, with lyricist Irshad Kamil and composer Sandesh Shandilya. He narrates how the cops hauled them up one night and the trio continued cracking the song even as they were taken to the police station. In the latest episode of Mid-day's Sit with Hitlist series, Imtiaz Ali recalls his favourite memories as a filmmaker, collaborating with Shah Rukh Khan in 'Jab Harry Met Sejal', and how much he loves Amitabh Bachchan that he can't see himself working with the legendary actor. Stay tuned for the full interview, out on August 17.
16 August,2024 12:00 AM ISTSit With Hitlist promo: You’d imagine a director reading out his script, beat by beat, to an actor. But what if we told you it was the other way around with Rockstar? In the latest episode of Mid-day's Sit with Hitlist series, Imtiaz Ali recalls how he had approached Ranbir Kapoor for a different film, but they ended up reviving his long-forgotten script of Rockstar that had done the rounds. He also narrates how Alia Bhatt was cast in Highway, and his equation with her father Mahesh Bhatt. Stay tuned for the full interview, out on August 17. #sitwithhitlist #imtiazali #ranbirkapoor #rockstar #chamkila #exclusiveinterview #entertainment #mayankshekhar
15 August,2024 12:01 AM ISTAs part of the post-wedding ceremonies many esteemed guests arrived at the ‘Shubh-Aashirwad’ to bless the newlyweds - Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani. Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave his blessings to Anant and Radhika. He also greeted Nita-Mukesh Ambani and Shaila-Viren Merchant. Apart from Bollywood celebrities and businessmen, several religious gurus like Shankaracharya of Dwarka Peeth - Swami Sadananda Saraswati Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath - Swami Avimukteshwaranand also marked their presence at the occasion.
15 July,2024 10:43 AM ISTBollywood couples attended the spectacular wedding of Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani. Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, Alia Bhatt, and Ranbir Kapoor, and Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani graced the red carpet, each couple exuding elegance and charm. Adding to the star-studded affair, celebrities from the South Indian film industry also attended the event. Ram Charan and wife Upasana Kamineni, Nayanthara with her filmmaker husband Vignesh Shivan, also descended on the red carpet.
13 July,2024 07:01 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT