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FIFA prez, AIFF boss look to develop India football

Updated on: 11 September,2022 08:06 AM IST  |  Doha

Infantino held a meeting to personally congratulate Chaubey upon his recent election as president of the All India Football Federation (AIFF)

FIFA prez, AIFF boss look to develop India football

Gianni Infantino. Pic/AFP

FIFA boss Gianni Infantino has discussed infrastructure, grassroots, men’s and women’s football development in India with the newly-elected AIFF president Kalyan Chaubey, the world football governing body said.

Infantino held a meeting to personally congratulate Chaubey upon his recent election as president of the All India Football Federation (AIFF).

Also Read: New AIFF president Kalyan Chaubey charts path for future of Indian football

The two discussed a wide range of issues concerning men’s, women’s, youth and grassroots football development in India, FIFA said in a press release. After being elected as president in the September 2 elections of the AIFF, Chaubey—a former professional football player himself—revealed bold reform plans to develop football in India, with a strong focus on infrastructure, grassroots and women’s football.

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