It’s perfectly normal to find oneself unable to connect or engage with someone because there are all kinds of reasons why people start to distance themselves from one another
Illustration/Uday Mohite
I have been in a relationship with a guy for four months and he’s great except for the fact that he is very sensitive to any criticism. We get along great on most days but, if I say something that upsets him, it takes him days to even acknowledge me and it makes me feel like I’m the most horrible person in the world. I don’t know why he is so touchy, but I can’t always watch what I’m saying and try to be nice even if I am angry just to make sure he’s okay. I want to tell him this, but I also know that saying it will only send him off into another sulk. What should I do? If this is how it’s going to be, there is no future for this relationship even though I think he and I could be great. It won’t happen without some serious changes, and I don’t think he’s capable of doing it.
You have the answer to your question already. If you can’t have a conversation with someone and there is an obvious lack of maturity, this relationship has no future. You shouldn’t have to censor yourself just because your partner can’t handle any criticism. There are mature ways of dealing with this and open communication is always critical. Tell him how you feel even if it upsets him, ask if he is prepared to make changes and, if nothing happens, the sooner you get out of this situation, the better. It may end up teaching him a valuable lesson too.
Is it normal for someone to start hating their best friend after years of being together?
That depends upon why the hate has arisen, and what has shifted between the friends in question. Everyone changes, and age has a profound impact on bodies, minds, as well as sensibilities. It’s perfectly normal to find oneself unable to connect or engage with someone because there are all kinds of reasons why people start to distance themselves from one another.
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