Yogita Bihani on The Kerala Story: 'Watching videos of Mukhtar Mai and Malala Yousafzai empowered me' | Exclusive

16 May,2023 10:53 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Surbhi Jain

Nimah Is very similar to me, says Yogita Bihani when asked about what made her choose her character in the movie `The Kerala Story` in an exclusive interview.

Yogita Bihani plays one of the four main characters in The Kerala Story

After starring in films like Vikram Vedha and AK vs AK, actress Yogita Bihani is basking in the success of her latest release, The Kerala Story. She plays one of the four main characters in the film, playing a Catholic girl who is shown as one of the targets in a conspiracy to convert women to Islam and send them to Syria. The film, despite being mired in controversies, has been raking in the moolah at the box office.

Talking about the success of the film, Yogita says, "Everyday we are surprised by the number of people watching the film and appreciating the film. The success of the movie is a shock and surprise to all of us. Breaking a record everyday!"

According to the actress, her monologue towards the end of the film was the audition scene for her, and that was the only reason she wanted to play Nimah in The Kerala Story. "I didn't want to play any other person after reading the script."

She added, "Girls go through so much in our society. Nimah, as a character also goes through a lot. She saves herself through all the mishaps that happen to her. She was raped and harassed but she takes a stand to fight for herself and for her friends."

The actress wanted to represent a character like Nimah and represent it in the right manner. "I watched many videos of Mukhtar Mai and Malala Yousafzai and that empowered me so much. That is where Nimah finds her soul. These are the people who have seen so much in life but they still stand and fight, not just for themselves, but for all. That's what Nimah was for me. It was important for me to deliver that scene," she says.

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As per Yogita, she didn't want the viewers to just feel sad after watching the monologue, rather realise that her character, Nimah, was fighting for all those girls out there. "While reading the script, I felt that my character Nimah is also a believer, who does have faith in God but she is a liberal woman. She isn't saying that her God is right or yours is. She believes in Jesus and has been praying since childhood. She is free-spirited and has an individuality of her own."

She adds, "In the current times, we need to be strong women and raise strong women. Those who keep women tied and restricted and don't let them get any exposure in life, that's where my character, Nimah comes into the picture."

Talking about how she connects to her character in the movie in real life, the actress mentions, "We actors always try to put ourselves out through our characters, and, in fact, look for similarities in our characters. Nimah is very similar to who I am. I had to work on that character, but our thoughts and personalities are quite similar. I would have fought the same way as Nimah."

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