Her deep understanding of the art is clear when Shilpa Shetty Kundra says her practice extends to every moment of her day, and isn’t restricted to the hour that she spends on the mat; we ask the actor about asanas she swears by, and why
Pics/Anurag Ahire
This asana strengthens the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and legs, and also improves balance and enhances spine health. It helps to increase stamina and muscular endurance. It strengthens the erector spinae, and is beneficial for those with a slip disc, or lower
back pain.
This exercise strengthens the legs and increases the flexibility of the muscles of the shoulders, back, and adductors. It is also beneficial for those dealing with sciatica, menstrual pain, and digestion [issues]. The asana helps to improve balance.
Prasarita Padottanasana
Apart from strengthening and enhancing the flexibility of the muscles of the inner thighs, hamstrings and back, it also helps to improve the digestive system. The blood rush to the head improves circulation in this area, which, in turn, reduces scars, and acne. It also improves eye sight and relaxes the eyes.
Ardha Matsyendrasana
It corrects the displacement of the vertebrae and [improves] blood circulation in this part of the body. It also makes the spine elastic and massages the abdominal muscles, and organs. It stimulates appetite and stretches the muscles of the abdomen region, particularly the obliques.
This one helps to calm the mind. By stimulating the pineal and pituitary glands, it aids in dealing with insomnia (sleeplessness), reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and managing anger. It thereby reduces mood swings, and helps in the secretion of feel-good hormones.
Anulom vilom
This helps to balance the Surya and Chandra nadi. It brings about balance in the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems, and helps in controlling hyper-tension (blood pressure). [The breathing technique] also improves mind-body coordination, concentration, focus, and memory power.