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Miss Khan ab to Hans do is a take on Old-Age people and Communism

Updated on: 20 March,2021 12:00 AM IST  |  Mumbai
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The film revolves around a mannequin and its melancholic life that leads to the question that ‘Does a Mannequin smile at all?

Miss Khan ab to Hans do is a take on Old-Age people and Communism

A still from the film

‘Miss Khan, ab to hans do' is a feature-length film directed by Aneek Chaudhuri. The duration of the film is 100 minutes. The screenplay is developed by Susmita Basu Majumdar.

The film revolves around a mannequin and its melancholic life that leads to the question that ‘Does a Mannequin smile at all? Or, is it our perception that they do?’. The film stars Bibriti Chatterjee and is shot by Aneek Chaudhuri and Soumya Barik.

If we talk of the genre of the film, we can label it as ‘Independent-experimental-art-house’. This is an attempt to nullify the usage of language in Cinema and also, to show what if living things take the form of non-living things and vice versa. This film is about reversing roles and extracting life from non-living things.

I perceived the idea for making this film when I could spot a shop holding a mannequin wearing different clothes, and it is used as nothing more than a holder of clothes. One day, I could spot it wearing ethnic clothes, while the other day, it could be spotted wearing something very flashy or classy. In a way, a mannequin portrays the society depending on the clothes it is wearing. While a mannequin at a local store defines the pricing being cheaper; the same mannequin when placed at a Gucci store, it describes premium pricing. Therefore, this is the mercury for measuring societal status of the locality and its customers as well, though it is lifeless. 

The film is produced by Indo-Australian director-producer Rajib Ball; he has been involved with film direction and film production in the recent past. Moreover, Rajib has been interested in arthouse Cinema since long. As per him, parallel Cinema in India needs to be revived aesthetically and talented filmmakers should take up the cause. He has been awarded multiple number of times too for his films, and now he seems to support independent filmmakers throughout the globe. 

In ‘Miss Khan, ab to Hans do’ we are portraying the same crisis but from the mannequin’s point of view and fueling life to it. 

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