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Sanvikaa: ‘Industry brackets those with dusky skin’

Updated on: 22 May,2024 07:07 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Priyanka Sharma |

Panchayat actor Sanvikaa on being stereotyped due to complexion

Sanvikaa: ‘Industry brackets those with dusky skin’


A look at the repertoire of several female actors in Bollywood will make it seem that an industry once obsessed with fair-skinned women has taken strides to amend its ways. But, actor Sanvikaa, set to return with the third season of the comedy series, Panchayat, tells us the change is coming about at a pace that’s slower than we’d appreciate. “The roles I get are similar to the ones I have played. Perhaps, that’s due to my dusky complexion. In the industry, if you are dusky, you are offered characters who belong to the middle-class or lower-middle-class background. This stereotyping existed earlier, and continued to exist even after the release of Panchayat,” says the actor, who plays Rinki, the daughter of the village pradhan in the Prime Video series. She, however, adds that she is no longer perturbed by the practise. “I think I look beautiful the way I am. The audience connects with me. Their love has made me comfortable in my skin.” 

Sanvikaa plays Neena Gupta’s daughter in the long-running seriesSanvikaa plays Neena Gupta’s daughter in the long-running series

The unassuming show, which released soon after the lockdown was imposed in 2020, quickly found favour among the audience. Its success led to the making of a subsequent season in 2022. Part three is up for release this week. Having collaborated with cast members Jitendra  Kumar, Neena Gupta and Raghubir Yadav over the years, Sanvikaa says she has forged a bond that extends beyond professional boundaries. Working with Gupta has been of particular interest. “If the director wants her to say a dialogue in a different way, she is able to swiftly switch her delivery to meet the requirement. I learned different ways to modulate and express the same dialogue from her.”

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