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Thepssaini a popular singer set to create a good buzz around the music industry

Updated on: 13 March,2021 12:16 PM IST  |  Mumbai
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His expertise in singing different types of songs makes his popularity soaring in the recent past few months over the landscape.

Thepssaini a popular singer set to create a good buzz around the music industry

Parkashjit Singh

Thepssaini is one of the known names when it comes to emerging singers and musicians. Besides being a successful YouTuber, he tried his luck in singing and music. His incredible set of musical videos and songs makes him a known face in his circles and fans. His expertise in singing different types of songs makes his popularity soaring in the recent past few months over the landscape. Born as Parkashjit Singh in Mohali, Punjab, he is better known by his brand name Thepssaini and is an Indian singer and actor. He got introduced to the music industry with the launch of his first soundtrack “Modern Pop” on SoundCloud first. Since then it was no looking back for the singer as he kept on coming with one and the other. 

He then embarked with his next 70+ soundtrack on various music platforms including Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play Music, iTunes, JioSaavan and Amazon Music to name a few. Besides, he also was seen releasing his soundtracks over different foreign music streaming platforms including Napster, Tidal and Deezer to name a few. Needless to say, there are a number of videos with his singing on platforms like Tik Tok along with other social media platforms like Facebook Library and Instagram to name a few.  Basically, Thepssaini is a tech blogger and a YouTuber in the field of technology. He holds expertise in different domains for his YouTube channel and shares the knowledge to his fans. He deals with a wide range of technical topics as well, which include working in different domains like digital marketing, SEO and PR activities. 

Besides, he is also a social media influencer thus making him a top celebrity manager as well. He culminates all his activities over YouTube making things big over the web landscape. Thus this has helped him emerge as a competent YouTuber on social media, which seemed to have him singing a lot in the music industry. The growth of the internet has given many things to the users and this includes social media as well. YouTube remains an important platform, which can be leveraged in different ways. India has emerged more than 700 million people and thus has refined the web world in a big way. 

However, it was not very easy for the young man to come in flying colours for being a YouTuber, and singer.  He has left no stone unturned to keep the ball rolling while emerging as a versatile man in the market. He came up with his YouTube channel in 2016 known as Techno Singh giving away knowledge and information on various issues. At the same time, Thepssaini kept his music on and made sure to do well in this domain as well.  While delivering different types of songs and videos on various other issues, he kept his journey smooth with his exceptional talent. With exceptional talent, he has proved to the world that he is a competent man in music along with other technical things that will make him a winner in the mainstream media.

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