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Mumbai: Overflowing Kannamwar Nagar drain finally gets MHADA’s attention

Updated on: 11 December,2023 06:55 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Sameer Surve |

After mid-day highlighted locals’ woes, officials say issue will be resolved

Mumbai: Overflowing Kannamwar Nagar drain finally gets MHADA’s attention

Repair work is carried out at Kannamwar Nagar in Vikhroli East to resolve the sewage issue

Key Highlights

  1. Days after mid-day highlighted how sewage was spilling out, MHADA has started repairing
  2. mid-day on December 6 reported on the terrible ordeal faced by residents of Janta Market
  3. We have started repairing the choked drain, MHADA official said

Days after mid-day highlighted how sewage was spilling out of three manholes at Kannamwar Nagar in Vikhroli East, the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) has started repairing a choked drain in the area.

mid-day on December 6 reported on the terrible ordeal faced by residents of Janta Market, who had no choice but to wade through malodorous puddles of sewage water.

Repair work is carried out at Kannamwar Nagar in Vikhroli East to resolve the sewage issue

An official of MHADA, the planning authority of Kannamwar Nagar, told mid-day, "We have started repairing the choked drain, which collapsed from the inside. We will fully construct a manhole and change the old pipe. This is an experiment. If the problem is not resolved, the entire sewerage system in the area will have to be replaced. This could take time. Our inspection revealed that the problem had arisen due to the collapse of the manhole. Therefore, it is being repaired urgently.  The problem will be solved.”

Nasir Deshmukh, a resident, said, "We have been facing this issue for two to three days. Before, the authority would clean the drain after we filed complaints. But there were no results this time. After mid-day’s report came out, MHADA began repairing the drain. We hope the issue will be resolved soon.

Vinayak Naik, another resident, said that for the past few days, pedestrians had to wade through sewage while going about their day in the morning and evening. “But we hope that the issue will be sorted out,” he said.

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