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Mumbai: Taps in Cuffe Parade to run dry on Thursday

Updated on: 06 December,2023 05:40 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Prajakta Kasale |

Other areas in south Mumbai to get less water as Malabar Hill reservoir will be emptied to facilitate an inspection by an expert committee

Mumbai: Taps in Cuffe Parade to run dry on Thursday

The proposed site for the reservoir at Malabar Hill. Pic/Anurag Ahire

Key Highlights

  1. Water supply in south Mumbai will be severely affected particularly in Cuffe Parade
  2. BMC said there will be no water supply to Cuffe Parade and Ambedkar Nagar
  3. All other areas in A ward and entire C ward will face a 10 percent cut in water supply

As the Malabar Hill reservoir will be emptied to facilitate an inspection by an expert committee on Thursday, December 7, water supply in south Mumbai will be severely affected particularly in Cuffe Parade. BMC said there will be no water supply to Cuffe Parade and Ambedkar Nagar, 50 per cent cut to Nariman Point and G D Somani Road, 30 percent cut in the Military Zone in A ward.

All other areas in A ward and entire C ward will face a 10 percent cut in water supply. Water supply will be reduced by 20 per cent to Peddar Road and other areas will get 10 per cent less supply. G North and G South wards received 10 per cent less water. 

BMC had decided to construct an additional tank and repair the old reservoir on Malabar Hill, but residents opposed this plan as it entailed removal of 389 trees at Hanging Garden. After a demand from residents and the local MLA, BMC formed a committee including IIT professors, a BMC engineer and locals to study the reconstruction of a water tank on Malabar Hill. 

“The committee is expected to review the current proposal and suggest the appropriate course of action regarding the reconstruction of the reservoir. Therefore, an internal inspection of tank number 2 will be conducted and so the tank will be emptied. Homes and establishments in A, C, D, G North, G South wards will get water supply with low pressure,” said a BMC official. 

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