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'Leopard' panic grips Boradewasti village

Updated on: 14 January,2011 08:04 AM IST  | 
Kaumudi Gurjar |

Resident sees wild animal feeding on guard dog in field, forest officials say beast spotted in field most likely to be hyena; pugmarks to be analysed for confirmation

'Leopard' panic grips Boradewasti village

Resident sees wild animal feeding on guard dog in field, forest officials say beast spotted in field most likely to be hyena; pugmarks to be analysed for confirmation

The otherwise quiet area of Boradewasti received a morning shocker after Vitthal Borade, a resident, spotted a leopard quietly enjoying his morning breakfast, a guard dog, in his corn field. He was rooted to the spot and before he could stomach what he was seeing, the animal disappeared.

Forest officials said it was more likely to be a hyena."We have collected a pugmark specimen. We showed pictures of wild animals and the villagers pointed out to a picture of a hyena and confirmed that they had seen the animal," said Range Forest Officer M N Hazare. "We collected the samples which will be sent to Zoological Survey of India for verification. We feel it is a hyena but in case it turns out to be a leopard or a tiger, we have to follow a procedure. In case of tiger or a leopard, we report the matter to the office of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) in Nagpur. The chief warden has the authority in such cases to give final orders."

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