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Mumbai: Foot overbridges at Bandra, Andheri to be shut for repairs

Updated on: 06 October,2023 08:22 AM IST  |  Mumbai
A Correspondent |

At Bandra, structural repairs, rebuilding ramp on west side and staircase on east will be undertaken and in Andheri, maintenance work will be carried out; both bridges will be closed from Oct 7

Mumbai: Foot overbridges at Bandra, Andheri to be shut for repairs

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As per the IIT audit report, the Bandra Navpada foot overbridge needs urgent repairs and is required to be rebuilt from a safety point of view. 

Accordingly, in order to undertake the structural repair work and to completely rebuild the ramp on the west side and the staircase on the east side of Bandra Navpada foot overbridge, they will remain closed for a period of 45 days from October 7, 2023. 

It is also informed that the Andheri South (Old) foot over bridge between Platform No.4/5 and 6/7 will also remain closed for maintenance work for a period of 35 days from October 7, 2023. During this period, the staircase and lift at platform 4/5 shall be available for passenger use.

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