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Mumbai: Househelp tries to extort couple in Khar

Updated on: 28 July,2022 07:47 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Anurag Kamble |

On July 24, the 39-year-old woman got picture messages from an unknown number

Mumbai: Househelp tries to extort couple in Khar

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The Khar cops have booked a house help who had stolen obscene photos of a couple whom he worked for and tried to extort money from them. The house help had run away six years ago after stealing the photos, and recently shared the pictures via social media and threatened to share them with the couple’s relatives.

On July 24, the 39-year-old woman got picture messages from an unknown number. She was shocked to find images of herself and her husband taken years ago. They immediately called the person and found out he was Mohammed Ziyabuddin Abdul Aziz, their ex-house help.

“Aziz demanded money from us and threatened to share the photos with our relatives,” the woman added. Aziz did not tell the couple how much money he wanted. He has been booked under various IPC sections.

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