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Salman Khan house firing: Crime Branch sleuths reach Surat looking for firearm used in case

Updated on: 22 April,2024 03:48 PM IST  |  Surat
Shirish Vaktania |

Crime branch officials from Unit 9 took one of the accused to Surat to locate the firearm used in the Salman Khan house firing case.

Salman Khan house firing: Crime Branch sleuths reach Surat looking for firearm used in case

Search is underway for the gun/ Sourced Photo

Mumbai Crime Branch, which is investigating the Salman Khan house firing case, is in Surat city searching for the gun used by the shooters. The accused persons, during interrogation, told the crime branch sleuths that they threw the gun in Tapi River in Surat while escaping to Kutch Bhuj. 

Nearly 10-15 persons from Unit 9 of the crime branch reached Surat on Monday morning and took one of the accused with them to locate the firearm used in the Salman Khan house firing case. The officials are being assisted in the search by the Surat Crime Branch, divers and fishermen there to recover the gun. 

The crime branch began the search operation at around 11 am and will be continuing with it till the end of the day. Until now, they have not retrieved any guns. 

An official said, "The gun used in the Salman Khan house firing incident was of good quality. The bullet was sized 7.62 mm."

The assailants told the cops that after they reached Surat, they walked towards the railway bridge over the Tapi River and then disposed of the gun in the river. They later fled to Kutch Bhuj in a government bus.

On April 14, the two accused had opened fire outside Salman Khan's Bandra residence in Galaxy Apartments.

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