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Mumbai: Results put all-AC train fleet dream on fast track

Updated on: 25 November,2024 10:31 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Rajendra B. Aklekar |

The transition has been stuck in limbo due to political opposition, primarily from the now-diminished Sharad Pawar faction of the NCP

Mumbai: Results put all-AC train fleet dream on fast track

The NCP (SP) has clarified that it is only against higher fares for an air-conditioned local train ride. File pic

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Mumbai: Results put all-AC train fleet dream on fast track

With the BJP and Mahayuti getting a majority and a political push, the plan to convert Mumbai’s local trains into a completely AC fleet may gather momentum. The plan had been stuck and delayed since August 2022 due to political opposition from the NCP (SP). Party president Sharad Pawar had called for the complete withdrawal of AC local trains from the city and the restoration of regular services for working-class commuters. Subsequently, the Central Railway discontinued 10 of its new services, citing law and order issues. The plan to convert all local trains to AC locals was then put on the backburner.

Sources said that most of the pending infrastructure and transport projects will now get a major push and will be taken up in fast-track mode. “The political mandate has given more power and validity to the planned projects, and they would now be taken ahead at full steam,” a BJP leader said.

Tenders put on hold

On May 19, 2023, the Ministry of Railways issued a one-sheet, five-point note to the Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation (MRVC)—the rail upgrade body—directing it to improve Mumbai local trains into the classy Vande Metro (suburban) trains. The note stated that MRVC should place orders for the “procurement of 238 trains of Vande Metro (suburban) under Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP) 3 and 3A.” The projects are jointly funded by the state and the central governments to upgrade the city’s rail network with new corridors and trains.

A Vande Metro train which connects Bhuj and Ahmedabad, in Gujarat. File picA Vande Metro train which connects Bhuj and Ahmedabad, in Gujarat. File pic

The note stated that the trains will not be manufactured as regularly done by railway factories but by the technology partners, ensuring ‘Make in India’ guidelines. The ministry had further directed the MRVC to go ahead and invite tenders for the project with stringent maintenance requirements for the next 35 years. The MRVC has been asked to consult Western and Central Railway for the requirement of 12/15 car trains as per their needs and then decide. In addition to this, the two car depots already approved under MUTP 3 and 3A at Vangaon on Western Railway and Bhivpuri on Central Railway will be set up by the technology partner.

In June 2023, the MRVC began the process for the procurement of 238 trains of Vande Metro (suburban) under MUTP 3 and 3A, but abruptly scrapped the tender in July 2023. A small note stated, “The mega-multi-crore international tender had been deferred,” without giving any explanation. Railway Board officials said it had been stuck at the political level and that issues would soon be sorted out.

Mumbaikars need to unite

In September 2024, when questioned about AC local trains, Union Minister of Railways Ashwini Vaishnaw had told mid-day that the plan had been stranded as NCP leader Sharad Pawar had opposed it and Mumbaikars needed to come together, form an opinion, and get the AC locals that they want. The same month, NCP national spokesperson Clyde Crasto said the opposition of party chief Sharad Pawar was to the higher fare structure, not to AC trains per se. The fare of AC local trains is comparatively higher than that of the regular local trains.

“The issue of AC locals needs to be resolved fast as it is about safety as well. It is not just about having a cool ride but also about people falling from tracks. With closed doors, the number of people dying on Mumbai’s tracks will drastically come down in one go,” Rajeshwar Mehendale, a commuter from Dombivli, said.

“Mumbaikars need to pay if they want a better quality train. There has been no fare hike in the past decade and the commute remains the cheapest at 11 paise per km. When it comes to speed and cost-effectiveness, no other mode of transport comes close to local trains. It is an example of affordability and speed,” said a senior rail official.

No. of Vande Metro trains to be procured under MUTP) 3 and 3A

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