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Gangster baby

Updated on: 10 September,2023 09:27 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Mohar Basu |

Thrilled to play an outlaw in Bambai Meri Jaan, Kritika Kamra says such roles are rarely offered to female actors

Gangster baby

Kritika Kamra in Bambai Meri Jaan

There’s nothing more enticing than seeing a woman wield a gun like a pro. Ask Kritika Kamra, who plays a female gangster in the upcoming crime drama series, Bambai Meri Jaan. It is a demanding role and by no means an easy feat, acknowledges the actor as she candidly explains, “It’s an exciting and challenging journey.” The series is loosely based on Mumbai’s underworld and its most notorious figures.

Gangster roles are usually reserved for men, which is why, she claims, it was a part she couldn’t refuse. “Such parts are not written for women too often. To get a powerful role that plays in the grey area and is ethically not in the spectrum of good, especially in the male-dominated crime space, is rare and attractive for this very reason. I’m glad I get to be Habiba and can’t wait to see how the next season is for her,” says Kamra, who plays sister to Avinash Tiwary’s character, alongside Kay Kay Menon, Hussain Dalal, Saurabh Sachdeva, Amyra Dastur, and Nivedita Bhattacharya, among others.

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