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Mumbai: Watch out, there is a crocodile in Oshiwara!

Updated on: 11 June,2023 07:44 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Ranjeet Jadhav |

Spotted in a nullah, the marsh crocodile may have lost its way; rescue efforts on

Mumbai: Watch out, there is a crocodile in Oshiwara!

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Many people are shocked by the discovery of an Indian marsh Crocodile in a nullah in Oshiwara. A difficult rescue effort for the same was launched on Friday afternoon by the Sanjay Gandhi National Park team and other NGOs.

Range Forest Officer (RFO) Vijay Barabde from SGNP told mid-day, “On Friday, we received a call reporting the sighting of an Indian Marsh crocodile in a nullah near Oshiwara. On Friday afternoon, our rescue team and volunteers from the Wildlife Welfare Association (WWA) and Spreading Awareness on Reptiles and Rehabilitation Program (SARRP) began the search for the reptile. The crocodile was observed by our team late at night. However, it later disappeared. On Saturday, we will continue the operation, and every attempt will be made to securely recover the crocodile.”

Honorary wildlife warden of Thane City,  Rohit Mohite, also told mid-day that rescuing the crocodile is a challenging task and the forest department officials and volunteers from WWA and SARRP are taking the best possible efforts. According to experts, the crocodile may have come from Oshiwara river. The river originates in the Aarey Milk Colony, flows through the Goregaon Hills, crosses Aarey Milk Colony, and then empties into Malad Creek.

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