Man slits throats of wife and three kids in South Delhi, arrested

22 June,2019 02:40 PM IST |   |  mid-day online desk

The horrific incident came to light when the mother of the accused, who lives in the same house, knocked on the door of his room and found bodies lying in a pool of blood

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On Saturday, the Delhi Police arrested a man, who allegedly killed his wife and three children inside a house in Mehrauli area of South Delhi. The accused, identified as Upendra Shukla allegedly used a grinder stone cutting machine to kill his wife and two children, and strangulated one of his son's to death.

The horrific incident came to light when the mother of the accused, who lives in the same house, knocked on the door of his room. After repeated attempts when her son did not open the door, she called the neighbours who broke in to find four bodies lying in a pool of blood. The neighbours then informed the police who quickly sprung into action

"The accused has been arrested. He is said to be under depression, but only medical reports will clear the situation," said Vijay Kumar, Deputy Commissioner of Police, South Delhi.

"Shukla is a teacher. We found a note on him saying that he had murdered his family but it gave no reason for the crime," Kumar added.

In a similar incident, a 48-year-old man allegedly killed his wife following a quarrel in Kendrapara district. The incident happened at Gopalpur village under the jurisdiction of Kendrapara police station, a police officer said, adding, the man was in an inebriated state.

The accused, a daily labourer by profession, killed his 25-year-old wife following a quarrel, the police officer said, adding, the quarrel broke out after the victim had rebuked the accused of committing a nuisance in a drunken state. Read the full story here.

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