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Lok Sabha elections 2024: Now, EC wants you to help net errant netas

Updated on: 18 April,2024 06:48 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Rajendra B. Aklekar |

Election Commission app cVIGIL lets citizens capture pictures, media, and put up complaints on any violation of code of conduct

Lok Sabha elections 2024: Now, EC wants you to help net errant netas

App allows users to upload pictures and audio, video proof (right) Districtwise data on cases registered

Key Highlights

  1. EC is cracking down on model code of conduct violations
  2. Mumbai City collectorate has attended to 61 complaints raised since March 16
  3. cVIGIL app enables users to capture pictures, videos and upload complaints

The Election Commission of India is cracking down on model code of conduct (MCC) violations, with the Mumbai City collectorate attending to 61 complaints raised since March 16 against various candidates via the constitutional body’s app cVIGIL. The software enables users to capture pictures, videos and upload complaints, which are processed in 100 minutes. “cVIGIL allows vigilant citizens to give live reports on MCC violation within minutes of having witnessed them,” said an official. Complainants don't have to rush anymore to the office of the returning officer in their Assembly constituency,” the official added.

VIGIL allows users to upload pictures as well as audio and video evidenceVIGIL allows users to upload pictures as well as audio and video evidence

“The model code of conduct for the Lok Sabha poll has been implemented. The Election Commission of India aims to ensure strict adherence to the model code of conduct and conduct elections in a peaceful and free atmosphere; 61 complaints have been received in Mumbai City district from March 16 till date. All of them were redressed by the district election department. Any citizen can directly report any inappropriate behaviour that violates the model code of conduct during elections online through this app. This complaint is processed in just 100 minutes," he explained.

“The district election department has appealed to the citizens to take a picture of the code of conduct violation anywhere in the district and upload it on cVIGIL app immediately, as soon as the complaint is received, it is acted upon within the prescribed period," he said. The official said a total of 774 complaints related to voter registration were received till April 15 and 769 had been resolved. “The remaining five complaints are being processed, according to the district election department,” he added.

No of complaints voter registration complaints received till April 15

Duration in minutes for processing complaints

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