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Mumbai: Despite campaign, rise in track deaths

Updated on: 12 January,2024 05:28 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Apoorva Agashe |

Data reveals shocking death toll and injuries, activist blames poor fencing and increasing crowds

Mumbai: Despite campaign, rise in track deaths

In 2022 1,118 people died while attempting to cross tracks. File pic

A recent Right to Information (RTI) inquiry filed by activist Samir Zaveri brought to light the deaths and injuries caused because of people crossing the railway lines in 2023. According to the obtained data, in 2023, 1277 individuals lost their lives while attempting to cross the railway line, and 241 individuals sustained injuries.

“I obtained the data, and it suggested that there is not much difference in deaths due to crossing the line. The fencing is terrible, and the crowd has increased; I suspect these are the main reasons behind the shocking figures,” said RTI activist Samir Zaveri.

According to the data, 1168 males died while attempting to cross the railway line, and 109 females lost their lives while attempting to cross the line, bringing the total figure to 1277 in 2023. In 2022, at least 1002 males died while attempting to cross the railway line, and 116 women lost their lives while attempting to cross the line, with a total figure of 1118.

In 2023, 121 people died by suicide; 21 women allegedly died by suicide, and 100 males died by suicide on railway tracks. In 2022, 100 people died by suicide, with 80 males allegedly died by suicide and 20 women died by suicide on the railway tracks.

While speaking with mid-day, Railway Police Commissioner Ravindra Shisve said, “We are in an ongoing campaign named ‘mission 0 death.’ All 17 GRP outposts run awareness campaigns at least 17 times a day during peak hours. In the campaign, we urge people not to cross railway lines (tracks). Apart from this, we identify the damaged fences around the railway tracks and try to repair them as soon as possible to avoid any mishaps. We have also approached the VJTI institution for brainstorming ideas to raise awareness among people not to cross the tracks.”

No of people who died crossing railway tracks

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