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RPF cop heroically saves passenger’s life at Lokmanya Tilak Terminus in Mumbai

Updated on: 17 October,2024 03:03 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Faizan Khan |

The RPF constable's decisive actions prevented what could have been a tragic accident, said an official

RPF cop heroically saves passenger’s life at Lokmanya Tilak Terminus in Mumbai

CCTV grab of the incident

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RPF cop heroically saves passenger’s life at Lokmanya Tilak Terminus in Mumbai

In a remarkable display of bravery and quick thinking, a Railway Protection Force (RPF) cop saved the life of a passenger attempting to board a moving train at Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) in Mumbai, the officials said Thursday.

According to the officials, the incident took place on Tuesday morning at around 11:40 am on platform number 4 of the LTT which was captured on the station’s CCTV camera.

They said that the passenger, identified as Santosh Saharaj Yadav, 45, from Darbhanga District, Bihar, was attempting to board the Pawan Express train when he slipped and began to fall into the dangerous gap between the train and the platform. As chaos unfolded, RPF Constable Ramsharan, who was on duty nearby, quickly noticed the perilous situation and without any hesitation, Ramsharan rushed forward and pulled Yadav back onto the platform just moments before he could have been dragged under the moving train.

Watch CCTV video below

"The constable's decisive actions prevented what could have been a tragic accident," said an official.

Santosh Yadav was traveling to Darbhanga and expressed immense gratitude for the constable’s timely intervention, he said.

The Railway Protection Force (RPF) commended constable Ramsharan for his alertness.

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