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Three dead after BEST bus crashes into crowd in Kurla

Updated on: 10 December,2024 08:01 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Apoorva Agashe |

A massive accident occurred in Kurla West around 10 pm last night in which three people died and 20 people have been injured, initial police reports have said

Three dead after BEST bus crashes into crowd in Kurla

A completely wrecked car after a BEST bus crashed into vehicles on the road opposite Anjum-I-Islam School on S G Barve Marg, Kurla (West), on Monday night

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Three dead after BEST bus crashes into crowd in Kurla

A massive accident occurred in Kurla West around 10 pm last night in which three people died and 20 people have been injured, initial police reports have said.

Rescuers next to the body of one of the deceased people at the accident siteRescuers next to the body of one of the deceased people at the accident site

According to preliminary information provided by the police, the driver of a BEST bus number 332 allegedly lost control of the vehicle and crashed into vehicles and passers-by in the Ambedkar Nagar area.

Locals help rescue those trapped inside the crushed vehicles. Pics/Sayyed Sameer Abedi
Locals help rescue those trapped inside the crushed vehicles. Pics/Sayyed Sameer Abedi

The deceased and the injured were rushed to Sion hospital. Bus number 332 was headed to Andheri at the time of the accident.

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